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Book Opinion - Sophia Amoruso's #GIRLBOSS review

QNL - Qatar National Library I'm kinda very late to jump on the bandwagon  o f GIRLBOSS. I read it just last month, already after all the downs of the company in the past 5 years. B ut better late than never, right? I left my job a month back and I was looking for something inspirational to read to put me in a more entrepreneurial  (I hate this word and I think it is mutual) state of mind. I was browsing through the local library - a state of the art building  which deserves a separate post (just look at this picture from inside). And there it was in the Business section - #GIRLBOSS. I saw the cover before, the name sounded familiar and look at that boss pose - so why not give it a go? The book has 3.69 out of 5 rating and thousands of reviews on the Goodreads. I liked the book, I genuinely enjoyed it. It is lightly written, Sophia seems to be aware of her own flaws and weaknesses. It is more of a memoir than it is a business book. It is a story of the girl who d
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very important first post

Well, it all started 5 years back - summer 2014. Started is actually quite a big word. I was 20, full of hopes and just starting the new adventure of studying abroad. I hoped that this blog will follow me in that adventure. Wrote a couple of posts, got overwhelmed with studies and gave up. Here I am 5 years later. Not 20 anymore, still full of hopes, went through quite some adventures and kinda starting something new. But now I want this blog to be THE adventure and who knows where it will bring us in another 5 years. I don't want it to be about me, but about what makes me - me. Books, travels, life abroad and so many other different things. And hopefully, someone will find something to relate to. Disclaimer: not a native English speaker, so apologise if any mistakes are there.